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Meeting Minute Notes

This area of the POA is for our members to find information about the meetings held and the meeting minute notes after each meeting. It will engage you on what is happening in our community. Stay involved and get to know your Board Members and what is making our neighborhood work. It is critical to know the issues going on and what you can do to help! The Board has formed Sub-Committees and you can now access their meeting minutes also and these committees are always looking for residents to volunteer and contribute! 

Executive Board
Meeting Minutes:

2024 Board Meeting Notes:​
2023 Board Meeting Notes:​
2022 Board Meeting Notes:
2021 Minute Meeting Notes:
2020 Minute Meeting Notes:
2019 Minute Meeting Notes:
2018 Minute Meeting Notes:
2017 Minute Meeting Notes:
2016 Minute Meeting Notes:
2015 Minute Meeting Notes:
2014 Minute Meeting Notes:
2013 Minute Meeting Notes:
2012 Minute Meeting Notes:
2011 Minute Meeting Notes:
2010 Minute Meeting Notes:
2009 Minute Meeting Notes:
2008 Minute Meeting Notes:
2007 Minute Meeting Notes:
2006 Minute Meeting Notes:
2005 Minute Meeting Notes:
2004 Minute Meeting Notes:
2003 Minute Meeting Notes:

Board Sub-Committee
Meeting Minutes:

2024 Sub-Committee Meeting Notes:
Resident Engagement Committee (New Name):
2023 Sub-Committee Meeting Notes:
Engagement/Communications Committee:
Finance Committee:
Governing Documents Committee:
2022 Sub-Committee Meeting Notes:
Design Review Board (DRB) Committee:
Engagement/Communications Committee:
Finance Committee:
Governing Documents Committee:
RMA (Resident Membership Agreement) Committee:


River Conservation Committee: 


No Meeting Notes from 2021:
Previous Years Sub Committees Meetings:
2016 Committee Meeting Notes:
2015 Committee Meeting Notes:

Stay Involved and Work Together

Working Together

Join a Committee...

Please reach out and meet your neighbors and know the issues at hand. It is with strong involvement that we can move mountains and get things done to keep Ironbridge a great community!

Copyright 2023 | Ironbridge POA | Maintained and Designed by the IB POA Communications Committee
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